Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You know it. And I know It

The dreaded STUFF.
All the things we have to do in our ever constantly busy lives. Sometimes it feels like invisible pressure that is surrounding you at all times. It always seems like the more stuff you do there's just a lot more to do around the corner. Though blinded motivation to do things always takes a hold of me and I get it done. A lot of people seem to be like that and hey it works. 
Though... Every now and then we need to take a break. A good solid curl up in the pecan tree moment. Really what I mean is a time to do something creative and mind consuming for yourself. 

A time to really put yourself into art. If you want to have more creative thoughts and feel better about yourself for doing something worth doing. Make art.
Put down your mind numbing lives for just a second and go make art. Do it for yourself. 
Make a commercial
Start writing on that book you always have wanted to write.
Pick up that guitar you've always wanted to play

You get my jive?
Do it.

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