Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You know it. And I know It

The dreaded STUFF.
All the things we have to do in our ever constantly busy lives. Sometimes it feels like invisible pressure that is surrounding you at all times. It always seems like the more stuff you do there's just a lot more to do around the corner. Though blinded motivation to do things always takes a hold of me and I get it done. A lot of people seem to be like that and hey it works. 
Though... Every now and then we need to take a break. A good solid curl up in the pecan tree moment. Really what I mean is a time to do something creative and mind consuming for yourself. 

A time to really put yourself into art. If you want to have more creative thoughts and feel better about yourself for doing something worth doing. Make art.
Put down your mind numbing lives for just a second and go make art. Do it for yourself. 
Make a commercial
Start writing on that book you always have wanted to write.
Pick up that guitar you've always wanted to play

You get my jive?
Do it.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ya I know right?

Well just another great day of good sun, good food, and a solid day of work. I've been staying pretty busy lately but of course I love putting my thoughts about! Wouldn't this be a good picture to be put onto a card? I certainly think so.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Everyone loves to contribute. Contribute to something useful

Now I live in America. Hey I know that it's not a mystery that the world has been looking at America in an odd light lately. With the debt sky high, unemployment at a stagnant mid-high rate, and our politicians just trying to figure out how to keep the government open it seems that others are laughing at us. Hey well we live in an indirect democracy to where we elect representatives that do nothing but benefit for themselves and to keep the silly political agenda up to date.

Though I love to be internet savvy and keep up with things day to day that are new and exciting. Recently the White House has launched a new platform of petition for people to be able to create petitions and sign into petition that they agree or disagree with. The way attention gathers on the internet everyone can really use this as a powerful tool in trying to help the agenda of getting shit done.

"Throughout our history, Americans have used petitions as a way to join together around issues they care about.  We the People brings that uniquely American tradition into the 21st century."
I am certainly in love with the idea and I think it's a powerful tool at use though I do believe it is late to the table and doesn't have enough attention by our ridiculous press that is too busy informing me about Sarah Palin's daughter.

So here's my call. Please look further into We the People and come together to set a political agenda for our country to try to follow. Put your opinion out there people. Put on your thinking caps and realize that our representatives has failed us. Here a quick video that does a great job of explaining We the People.
Please create Petitions for the better Good

Monday, September 19, 2011

Things anew

Why do things again and again

Because it gives us pleasure to do it again :)

I don't eat just one apple

I won't smoke just one cigarette

You don't stretch out just one time

You don't only draw one painting

I don't ever just create once

The feeling becomes raw and anew with each time

Though riddled with out past behavior and needs

It gives us pleasure to do it again and be pleased.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Been hitting the books.

Ya college is in full swing as I strive to achieve! It's a tough groveling process sometimes.. It really is. I know oh so many people know what I'm talking about as well. Now to add to that I'm getting a bit sick. I've had a cold for a few days now.

Soup, lots of fluid, runny nose and aches, the whole deal. Long do I await to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Some power to consciousness
So yes I guess I can say netflix is my bestfriend lol...

Well I guess I just have to man up and suck it up. Be a tough guy. Just like Walter White.

Ok I don't have a gun.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Recent Generosity

Lately I've definitely been trying to be a little bit more generous. I know there is such thing as "smart giving" as to who to best give your money too. Though I believe to have a more generous world you have to be more generous. Now I'm not talking about giving everyone who asks 20 bucks but hey maybe giving that money to someone who needs it will throw some karma your way. There is nothing like that feeling of generosity. The feeling of being good.

Don't throw your money into wishing wells
Give it to someone who might actually need it.

For Yourself

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Here in Texas the wonderful Renaissance Festival is coming! October 8th through November 27th. Every other year I try to go to this wonderful festival full of fun and off times. Theater shows, wonderful costumes, good grog, and wonderful festival feasting. There are so many great reasons to head to this festival! If you've never been well I assure you it's a blast. Sometimes I guess in good ole' Texas things get a bit hot in your 7 foot tall ogre costume, but hey it's for the theme right?!

Jousting shows and fireworks are what I really like while sipping on a pint. Everyone pretty much seems to have a smile on your face. I am most likely going to stuff my face with turkey legs that's why my smile is on :).

Friday, September 2, 2011

Check out J Roddy Walston and the Business.

These fellas are really breaking through places lately. Touring and powerful performances every night really puts a band into perspective I guess. Don't stop doing what you're doing guys. Great stuff here.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Over these past few weeks I have just been obsessed. Obsessed with what?

Yes GO!
This simple game has been around for over 2000 years and I never see enough people playing. The rules are surprisingly simple though the strategic power behind this game is amazing. Go is the Japanese name for it though in China it is called Wei Chi, and in Korea it is called Baduk. Whatever you would like to call it, this game gives such a rush to your intellect. Though it is a pretty time consuming game (around an hour), the payoff is worth it.
   I got introduced to this game by a good friend of mine who was pretty intent on the game. He invited me to play and told me the simple rules. Connect your stones and avoid them from capture and to capture stones you surround all the liberties of a stone or stone set. So I get ready to play him and as I start playing I realize that he is just stomping the yard with me. I mean really ruining my game! So yes I definitely overestimated myself with the simplicity of this game. As I researched more into this I found out that there are actually professional Go players. There are a series of dan and Kyu ranks that lead up in professional ranks.
   The oldest and wisest of men play this game. Through determination and refinement they succeed in mastery.

If you havn't played this challenging game then I highly recommend it. Remember, Simple to play Hard to master.