Saturday, February 4, 2012

A way too look at education

If you look at our generation today you might find that most kids out of high school choose to go to college. Obama has said he wants to further increase the number of college graduates and thats a fantastic thing to some and a curse to others.

Many think that by getting a college degree that the world will be their oyster and give them all the riches that they rightfully deserve but some our not so sure. The Uncollege blog that is rapidly expanding teaches a radical idea of the recent age of challenging the societal notion that by going to college gets you into a great job and teaches you what you need to know. Dale J. Stephens, who runs the site, preaches that college costs too much
and teaches too little.

" We simply challenge the notion that college is the only path to success."

This is what most people don't want to hear but its troubling too see so many students reach the final years of college, graduate, and not have the slightest clue of how the real world works. With the U.S sitting on a massive college loan bubble and exceeding credit debt, it seems like the time is just ticking for the worst to happen.

The average college students graduate with somewhere around 27 thousand dollars in debt. Such an astonishing amount for someone who gets a job only making very sub par to that. 

If I have to say anything to the people who are interested in going to be an entrepreneur in the next few years, then go about and experience life and figure out what exactly you want to do. It's a terrible thought to think there are so little doors in life to choose from. I know it's a terrifying experience to think and have to figure out a plan for the rest of your life, though if you want something bad enough the only way to get it, is to start right now.

Every day realize that each day brings you a new chance of expanding your knowledge of the world and knowing what you want to specialize in life.

A passion is needed.
A fire.

Go out and get what you want.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


"The idea just came to me"
What a wonderful thought. Really!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

So I was thinking Batman

This movie is gonna be great! If you havn't kept up with the latest leaked pics for The Dark Knight Rises.
What a highly anticipated movie for the summer of 2012. With Christopher nolan directing this sequel it's gonna be another spectacular dramatic superhero movie. Nolan has said that this is going to be the final Batman movie he will do so be ready for him to pull out all of the stops. Going from the menacing Joker to the brutal and strong villian Bane will not be a problem to pull off in this movie.
Be ready. July 20 2012

Monday, December 12, 2011

Of Monsters and Men

A wonderful little six piece indie/folk bad from Iceland. They come with a soft touch and a hint of rock. The debut album is a great piece of work. "My head is an Animal".

Here's a song from this album. Enjoy

My wonderful girlfriend made this

Yeah she used to work for a post office. Keepin it solid all day long.

Can you see? Invisible Mother

Yes. There is a mother hiding behind that sheet. I have seen very common practice to this even today in making a sharp photo. It's so interesting I had to post about it. You have to bet that the mothers face is not "^_^" but more "ಠ_ಠ"

Bob Marley Interview

A must watch.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dont give up!

Though the rhino will never be a unicorn. He never gives up! That's the point! Just keep doing what you need to do to get where you want to be! Live life and aspire towards your dreams of all kinds. Make sure you wipe the sweat of your brow and put your head to the grind stone because that is how things are achieved.

I always try to remember that anyone who ever tried to achieve something has worked hard for it. It's not a usual thing for something to be handed down to you. If you want something go out there and get it. Period.

Enjoy your day friends!

Monday, December 5, 2011

(El Camino) - The Black Keys.

Patrick and Dan have done it again with their newest album "El Camino". This album is all pump and gun action. The brother have gone from the soulful seeker in "Brothers" to a faster, louder, more rock & roll sound. A hard hitting powerhouse rhythm in songs such as "Gold On The Ceiling" and "Lonely Boy" certainly doesn't dissapoint. After winning a grammy award for the last album "Brothers" it's seems like a wonderful year for the guys and considering its only been such a short time since their previous album release, the momentum really rolled onto this album.
For example, the song "Little Black Submarines" takes a huge turn in the middle of the song to a much faster paced drive. Though it begins in such a light way. The noise that is given from this album reaches high with it's melodic choruses and excellent groove patterns.
Danger Mouse produced this album as well as the last 2 he produced. He never ceases to amaze with every project he gets his hands on. Most excellent. You can really move your legs in the song "Stop Stop" as Dan's voice creeps on and on. "Dead and Gone" starts out with a real upbeat pace and moves you into the song smoothly. Just such a feelful vibe is received in the lyrics "So long, why'd it take you so long.

This album is the whole package. The Black Keys have a huge drive of momentum in their way of doing things and I hope it just doesn't stop. Everyone has seen the hard work and drive Patrick Carney and Dan Auerbach put into their albums.

While the album is not as dark and deep as the last few have been, the power and spirit are still there and it has produced a very well rounded album. With The Black Key already having such a large discography, noone will know if they'll stop for awhile after the success of this album. On the whole scale of everything I've listened too I would give this album a great


The Black Keys have definitely brought out one of the best albums of 2011 and what a great time to do it right before the holidays. Great job guys.